
Monday, December 3, 2012


What type of goods were produced? 
The Zimbabwe was based off of their trade and a little bit of how they made things. They lived off of livestock for food and other needs also. The Zimbabwe took about 20 million ounces of gold out of their land. The Zimbabwe people mixed clay and gravel together and that was called a "daga." Which then, the daga was for tools and other hard working jobs.

Was there an advanced level of trade?
The Zimbabwe had very advanced trading. They traded throughout the North, and the Northwest of Africa. Also, The Zimbabwe traded from Kiula to china, and all other places in between.

Did the trade of products improve the quality of life of its citizens?
The Zimbabwe people were selfish. They let barley let straglers associate with them. The Zimbabwe were very self centered and kept to them selves alot. It was hard for the Zimbabwe to become higher in the trade. (I think that's why the Zimbabwe kept to themselves.)

Who did they trade with?
The Zimbabwe traded with China, Persia, Syria, and other parts of Northern Africa. The Zimbabwe traded gold, ivory, and skins/fur pelts

By: Tyler Meyer



How did people cope with difficulties?
The Great Zimbabwe Empire followed a a different religion. They believed that they could communicate to their ancestors whenever. The Zimbabwe people believed that everything in nature had a soul. This helped them very well, it helped them cope with disease and other things.

Did the religious beliefs unite the people?
   The Great Zimbabwe Empire traded with other long distant cultures. The Zimbabwe empire was a very dominant empire. Verneration of spirits are what the people worshiped, which is also worshiping their god.But their religious beliefs did not unite the people. Their religion didn't mean well to the Zimbabwe people.

By: Tyler Meyer


Government of The Great Zimbabwe Empire.

How organized was the government?

   The government for Zimbabwe's empire was very powerful and kept order among its people. The great Zimbabwe's government was a monarchy government. They would stay in the city for safety and protection. Their government had many good trade routes with other countries. The great Zimbabwe empire did not have a written language or any oral traditions. That was a big problem that they had. The great Zimbabwe empire was pretty organized.

Did they grant more rights or freedoms to individuals?

   The great Zimbabwe empire did have different rights an freedoms. Like women and different freedoms. They had to cook for the men during guerrilla war. During the wait they also had to provide them with clothing. A lot of the people in the empire had to go and collect firewood for fire. The people had to hunt the wildlife in the forests for food. Another reason was they had to hunt for food because they didn't get enough from the empire so they had to get there own The great Zimbabwe did have some rights for individuals.

      I graded Zimbabwe's empire a B because they lacked their making of writing and oral traditions. Also because they were able to own lots of land and that was a plus for them. They had also became one of Africa's greatest empires which is also a big plus. One of the negatives were they caused their destruction by ruining the soil. Ruining the soil killed many animals. So that's why I graded them with  a B.

By: Karin Lee

Technology of the great Zimbabwe empire

Were there great advancements?

The Great Zimbabwe Empire had a lot of great advancements. One advancement are they had many iron tools that they made. They were advanced because they skipped the age of using bronze and copper. When they skipped the age of using bronze and copper they had skipped to the stone age. The great Zimbabwe empire was very well known for the iron age. Some examples of there iron tools are arrow points, knives, beads and rings. The iron age had improved the quality of life for them by giving them different tools to help them in their everyday lives. By skipping from the neolithic age to the iron age they were ahead of many kingdoms therefore they had a lot of advancements.

Did it improve the quality of life?

The advancements of technology in the great Zimbabwe empire did improve the quality of life like i said in the fist paragraph. The age that mostly improved their quality of life would be the iron age. Like i said in the first paragraph it improved their life because it gave them many different tools to do many different things in life. By having the iron age it gave the great Zimbabwe empire many more benefits that the other kingdoms did not have.

  I graded Zimbabwe's empire an A- because of their achievement from the neolithic age to the iron age. I graded them an A- because they were ahead of all of the empires by moving to the iron age.

By: Karin Lee


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Society in Great Zimbabwe

             In Great Zimbabwe society was very strict and important. About 20,000 people lived in Zimbabwe and about 5,000 of those people lived in Great Zimbabwe. This was because the King and his people lived there including his wives, servants, and government peoples.
Was social movement allowed?
             No, social movement was absolutely not allowed. People highly disliked it when people of a higher class married someone from a lower class and vise verse. This did not normally happen though because of what people thought.
Was there an emphasis toward equality?
            No, there was almost no emphasis toward equality. People at that time viewed poorer people as the lower class and less important.
Was there slavery?
            Yes, there was slavery in Great Zimbabwe. Most of the Servants were slaves in the mass building of Great Zimbabwe. For example when the king needed something or when a government official needed something they would use a slave or servant.
How were slaves treated?
            Slaves were not treated well. Most of them lived in small homes. While slavery was going on the British took over the slave trade. And also used the slaves for themselves.

I am grading Great Zimbabwe at a B-. I am giving them a B- because they had slaves and that is very wrong. I am also grading them this way because there was no social movement. And that is an important thing to people.

By: Mollie Doornbos

Arts and Architecture in Great Zimbabwe

             In Great Zimbabwe art and architecture was very important. People built many buildings including the one pictured above. Back in time when they built these sculptures or buildings their main point was to show what was special to them and their culture.
Was it creative?
            Yes, people in Great Zimbabwe made their art creative and their buildings extraordinarily. They did this by making 5 meter tall walls. They worked very hard and long to make their art and architecture the way they did.
Did it emphasize human advancement?
            Yes, their art and architecture defiantly emphasized human advancement. In the Great Zimbabwe empire people made a structure that was about 1,780 acres. Which could have homed about 18,000 people. Originally this massive building was for the monarchy and they used it well until the city was abandoned and it fell into ruins. It also showed their advancement because it made people more open minded about art and architecture.

For Art and Architecture I give Great Zimbabwe an A-. I am giving them an A- because they created a plethora amount of great buildings but the didn't create very much art.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&fp=5bca018d80322c88&bpcl=38897761&biw=1024&bih=545

By: Mollie Doornbos